Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Wang starts running

Since Wang injured his right foot June last season, Wang hasn't run for his conditioning. Yankees is afraid of getting Wang injured his foot again. They only allow him to run on the bike to do his conditioning work. According to Taiwanese media, Wang started running on the outfield first time since injury yesterday. Yankees figures out lack of running may affect his delivery. That is why they start to let him run. After running on the outfileld, Wang says he feels the balance is better.

This is the video from TVBS(a Taiwanese new channel). At the end of video, you can see Wang running on the outfield.

By the way, Gator contacts with Eiland and tells him what he thinks about what is wrong with Wang. Gator says he sees some problems from Wang's delivery. Some problems usually indicate there are some parts of Wang's body not healthy.


MJB said...

I think that is good news about Wang. I know from experience that there is a big difference (on your legs strength and stamina) between doing real running on the street, grass, or a track than working your legs on a stationary bike, elliptical machine, or even treadmill. Any effective change in a pitcher's legs is going to definitely alter his pitching and perhaps his overall motion.

I'm really excited about Wang's next start, even though he'll get skipped this weekend. I think there has been a lot of input on what could be wrong, and Wang is good enough pitcher to be able to fix himself with such great advice.

...unless its truly an injury. That would stink.

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