Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Unstoppable Santana rumor

A Blogger called Chris posted a great article about Wang on Made in 1903 Yankees Forum. If you are interested in, please click here to check it out. But, I want to share this quote with you guys,

Give it time. Rome wasn’t built in a day and neither is a great pitcher. It takes time and can be frustrating when some on other teams experience instant success.

Because Yankees pulled off their deal "for sure" on the newest Santana rumor, it means my lovely homegrown rotation may come true. But, I want to use this quote to reminder everyone don't jump over the bridge when our homegrown talented young pitchers don't perform well this season and don't rush to judge or sell them all for Santana again before trading deadline.

Updated at Jan 15th: Obviously, my headline is right. It's not possible to stop Santana rumor until he wears someone one's uniform. It looks like my prediction on Jan 6th is right on the money and I still remain my observation on Santana trade I had on Nov 28th 2007. By the way, I am one of pinch hitting bloggers on Peter's blog at Jan 25th. My topic is a little bit related to this whole situation. Please look forward to reading that post at near future.


Todd Drew said...

I look forward to your post on Peter’s blog. Everyone has done a good job pinch hitting over there. If you can figure out anything about the Santana saga then you are one up on the rest of us.

Jessica Lee said...

Dear Todd,
I agree with you that everyone has done a pretty good job on this assignment. HA!! Just my little observation. Nothing is so special. Don't expect too much.

Todd Drew said...

Every opinion is important and special.

Jessica Lee said...

Thanks. I am very appreciated at your word. I think there is big difference between Taiwanese culture and American culture. I am still learning to have more confident on myself.